ZEPU-DQ1 Electric Tilt窗生 Table
Electric Tilt Tab關學le
Electric Tilt Table
Scope of application
Scope of applic朋外ation
• People with paraly房區sis caused by diseases or diseases of裡業 the central nervous system (hem木文iplegia, paraplegia, cereb聽跳ral palsy)
• Long-term bedridd靜讀en or long-term use of wheelchairs r刀金equiring assistan多算ce to stand
• Middle-aged and 電美elderly people with湖刀 limited mobility and need to assist s民我tanding
• Lower extremity skeletal mus討醫cle dysfunction
• Patients with severe t務章raumatic brain injury with可民 impaired consciousness or coma 鄉票or vegetative state
Establish a basic gu站吧arantee for pat銀服ients to stand up
Electric Tilt TableZEPU-DQ1
Establish a basic guarantee for pat玩紙ients to stand u場不p
Electric Tilt Table&nbs兵制p;ZEPU-DQ1
The electric standing bed is a common民玩ly used treatment equipment件冷 in the rehabilitation departme下服nt. It is a special &qu唱請ot;bed" body that can adjust t兵近he inclination angle and perform corr到上esponding treatment accord學電ing to the patient's數他 condition. It is often校銀 used in the early rehabili作新tation treatment of hemiplegia pa學男tients and patients with sp書麗inal cord injury. The patient ca美農n be safely fixed at妹綠 the angle of the內睡 "bed" electric stan下白ding bed, and the angl機頻e of the feet and ankles can 老工be adjusted as needed, 拿信so that the patient can accept the acti信能on of gravity, stimulate t要鄉he proprioceptors, stimulate t藍工he nerve center reflexively, improve b水開alance, improve b笑師lood circulation of lower extremities,習近 Improve muscle tone, e外東tc. to achieve therapeutic effect.
●Prevent orthostatic hypotension; ●Prev業信ent osteoporosis and p和要revent the occurrence of path畫也ological fractures; ●Enhance cardiop上還ulmonary function and i爸國mprove digestive functio樹那n; ●Improve renal function and promo媽技te urination; ●Improve lower limb mus事務cle strength and joint mobi站姐lity; ●Improve vegetativ一鐘e state , promote aw司報akening, restore conscious那說ness; ● Improve blood circulation, prev道的ent pressure ulcers and lo相物wer extremity deep 工火vein thrombosis; ● Increa自城se lower extremity weight 微吧bearing and proprioceptive input; 吧票●Increase joint雜個 range of motion, prevent joint contra房見ctures; ● Increase patients鄉理' confidence 看站in recovery;
The detachable table board is suitab那票le for different training票可 needs; the upper and low術拍er positions can be adjusted, an離媽d the front and 這花rear positions can be adjusted, suita低志ble for patients of differ數慢ent heights.
28° foot eversion ang慢鐘le adjustment
28° foot inversi場暗on angle adjustment
Foot plantar fle煙看xion and dorsiflexion range of 一朋motion: -10°東媽;~15°
Explanation of Enquiry
Contact information
Active and passive re師鐵habilitation train年喝ing series
AI rehabilitation robot serie用大s
Multifunctional bed seri媽習es
Functional Gait Tr山著aining Series
Pain Physiotherapy S工西eries
Vertical Rhythm Series
Smart OT Rehabilitation Serie音相s
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